No foolin’ April 1st: Mike’s Own Meat Loaf Dinner by guest chef Mike Steele presents us with individual servings of his own special recipe meatloaf. He adds mashed potatoes and brown sugar carrots on the side, plus dessert, and it’s a delicious feast for only 10.00 per person, kids 12 and under plate, 5.00.
Doors open at 5:30 p.m., and the Meatloaf Dinner is at 6:00. Cash, check, or credit card accepted.
Sales tax included; all proceeds go toward maintenance and operation of the Johnson Valley Community Center.
All are welcome to stay after dinner for the latest news and announcements. Saturday, April 1st is Election Day for the Board of Officers and Directors of the Johnson Valley Improvement Association for 2023.
They will serve for one year term, and be up for re-election next year.
Just in case the Johnson Valley Journal arrives in the mailboxes of voting members before Saturday, the slate of nominees on Page 5 has changed since the Journal was set up. (See Journal update in FAQ below)
Nominees are:
President – Arlan Hawthorne
Vice President – Reiner Kruger
Secretary – Sandra Colletti
Treasurer – Michelle Zumstein
Director #1 – Ken Cash
Director #2 – Don Minnix
Director #3 – Court Prittie
Director #4 – Paula Mattecheck
Director #5 – Daryl Nustad
Director #6 – Linda Walsh
Nominations may also be made from the floor during this meeting.
If your dues were paid by January 31, please come and :VOTE.
JVIA needs you!
• Johnson Valley has dodged most of the recent ferocious weather – the wind sideswiped us big time, but little rain and no snow fell. No doubt more shingles went flying but after watching footage of our neighbors up in the mountains digging out from under roof-deep snow, you can only count your blessings.
Today’s weather forecast said 32% chance of 0.0 precipitation. Mm-hmm. A beautiful day in the neighborhood.
The famous Big Bear bald eagles Jackie and Shadow (they have their own YouTube channel) weathered the February and March storms well. However, the two eggs they had been protecting in a deep bowl of snow in their huge nest were past their hatch-by date.
Their thousands of fans were sad, but not the eagles. Right away they began remodeling the nest, 5-1/2 feet wide and 6 feet deep, 145 feet up in a Jeffrey Pine, getting ready for hoped-for fertile eggs. They do seem puzzled when they return to find a fresh mound of snow covering their new sticks.
The 24-hour live cams give a view of the mountains, trees, lake, winds, rain, and snow that’s more intriguing than any weather cam, for sure. Log on to
Holiday weekend expeditions on motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, or four-wheel-drive vehicles all begin and end on residential roads.
If you live or play in one of our desert communities, please remind your guests:
-Slow down so noise and dust do not annoy the neighbors (or needlessly damage the dirt roads maintained by the neighbors).
-Blind corners present a major hazard to young and old. Approaching them at speed means you risk life, limb and vehicle.
-Always keep the kids under supervision, even better, operate a buddy system. No one goes out alone.
This stuff sounds obvious, but our widely-separated residences can lull newcomers into thinking there is no danger blasting down these roads.
They can be worse than city streets. The number of reckless drivers and riders multiplies on holiday weekends. They do not always keep to the right. Some parents think the little ones are safer on community roads, but you cannot see or hear them approaching corners or driveways.
Many of us come here because of the excellent opportunities for motorized recreation. Just remind everyone to pass through the community slowly, and be very careful if they cross the highway to head out onto the miles of trails in the Johnson Valley OHV Area they can access on Boone Rd.
We all know folks who think going as fast as the vehicle can go is what it’s all about. But going slow and really seeing the desert scene is something you don’t want to miss.
With your point of view close to the ground, you can go farther than you would be able to walk, and suddenly you see critters, odd rock formations, super wide horizons, and wildflowers eye-to-eye. The amazing thing is the next time you g there, it can all look different with a change of season or lighting.
We know a veteran desert explorer who sometimes takes or guides folks into the mountains or the outback. When he shows them hard-to-find sights or breathtaking views, they ask, “How did you find this?” The answer is, “I looked.”
Even racers taking on the grueling Hammers events comment on the unexpected beauty of this desert and its hills and mountains.
Hiking, camping, and four-wheeling advice can be found on the internet: what to take, what to prepare for – some are obvious, but some can surprise you. Do a little research.
Sidekick Maps and California Trail User Guides help a lot.
Take care out there, too. Even expert riders and drivers can make dangerous misjudgments. The action-packed frenzy of commercial videos can lure newcomers into thinking high speeds and jumps are easy. The driving beat of the soundtrack can cause you to overlook the fact that you rarely see any landings. Busted axles, shocks, and bones don’t play well in a video or real life.
Nothing ruins the holiday like an accident that a little common sense could have avoided.
Take it easy traveling back home, too. We want you to come back.
To new readers: the JV NEWS e-mails every week or two, expanding on items published in the neighborhood column in the Hi-Desert Star. Other notices of particular interest to Johnson Valley residents and property owners also circulate to this list.
If you do not wish to receive these notices, just reply and tell me to remove your name.
The mailing address is:
50567A Quailbush Rd.
Johnson Valley CA 92285
Directions to the Community Center:
From Hwy 247, between mile markers 21 and 22, turn onto Larrea Road at the big red highway sign and go 1-3/4 miles to Quailbush Rd. The Community Center is on your left at the corner.
- Saturday Breakfast: every week, 7:30-10:30 a.m.
Lots of choices, still reasonably priced,
with the
coffee cup!
Check out the Boutique Table for gifts and Johnson Valley promotional items. See what’s new, or donate gently used items for the New-To-You Table (donate whatever you wish for items you want to buy).
Cash, check or credit card accepted. All prices include Sales Tax. All proceeds go toward the operation of the Community Center.
• Johnson Valley Journal: due to circumstances beyond our control, production of the Journal has suffered delays at every step. With any luck, subscribers can expect it in your mail this week.
Please let me know if you do not get it. You may not have been included on the mailing list, or we can blame it on the USPS.
Many thanks to Legacy and Justin Leineweber at Wheelers Ship-It-Shop for printing address labels, sticking them on the envelopes along with the stamps, and only charging for expenses, donating their time as member volunteers for the Johnson Valley Improvement Association.
• HVCC: The monthly meetings of the Homestead Valley Community Council give you a wealth of information from our County Supervisor’s office, the Fire Department, CalFire, the Sheriff’s Department, the Marine Base, and other representatives from county, state, and federal authorities.
The Johnson Valley Improvement Association is one of the four associations in Homestead Valley unincorporated communities which established this grassroots organization. Information is circulated among our members and other JV residents and property owners. Citizens present issues in the meetings, the Council follows up with them wherever we see the need.
Plan to come to HVCC meetings at 3:00 p.m. on the third Monday of each month. The location rotates around the four Community Centers; it’s Johnson Valley in February, June, and October.
The next meeting is Monday, April 17th at 3:00 p.m. in the Yucca Mesa Community Center, 3133 Balsa Ave. just off Aberdeen Rd, about two miles from Hwy 247.
Hot topic – the new CalFire maps of the State Responsibility Areas, the puzzling fire risk ratings, and HVCC and LVEDA resistance. Proponents claim they used wildfire history in part to establish wildfire risk in the SRA’s. They actually appear to ignore it, not consider it. All this planning happened with a surprising lack of transparency and input from the affected locals.
See HVCC Actions and Comments, as well as meeting agendas on
See Scenic Highway 247 documents and the Visual Assessment on the website-in-progress
Betty Munson
c/o Ship-It-Shop
51720 Hacienda Rd.
Johnson Valley CA 92285