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Sat, Sep 10

Toyota Camry license #7XYV943
Report says, “stole a gas can from one property, also caught on camera snooping around another property at the other end of the valley.”

White truck
“a late night visitor 1230am. We don’t recognize the truck but wanted the share.”

Good advice: don’t leave anything outside easy to pick up. Over the years we have heard of a wide variety of portable stuff going missing: garden hose, firewood, a weightlifting bar, tools and toolbox, BBQ cooker, lawn chairs. Sometimes it’s hard to know when it went missing, until you miss it.

Lock up or at least lock vehicles. Park so the catalytic converter is hard to get to.

Security cameras or game cameras do make good deterrents.





Betty Munson

By Betty Munson

Betty Munson c/o Ship-It-Shop 51720 Hacienda Rd. Johnson Valley CA 92285

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