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TO NEW READERS: The JV NEWS e-mails contain material written for the weekly Hi-Desert Star neighborhood columns; often adding items of specific interest to JVIA members.
We noticed on a few membership application forms, some renewing members did not fill in their e-mail addresses. Since you are already on the Contacts list, you are receiving this. If you no longer wish to get these e-mails, just send me a note to say “unsubscribe.”

Johnson Valley hosts the Homestead Valley Community Council meeting this Monday, February 21, at 3:00 p.m.in the Community Center.

HVCC represents the community organizations of Landers, Flamingo Heights, Yucca Mesa, and Johnson Valley giving us one voice to governmental agencies. No issue too big, no issue too small – if you are not on the HVCC e-mail list, see the latest HVCC Newsletter online at www.hvccsite.org.

As it says, 2021 was a busy year. Everyone is invited to attend meetings; and folks from other rural communities come, too. We share a lot of issues!

• Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 5, so you won’t miss the Lasagna Dinner that evening at the Johnson Valley Community Center. We’re looking forward to delicious lasagna, with green salad, cheesy garlic bread, plus ice cream and cookies for dessert!

Doors open at 4:30 p.m. Dinner at 5:00.
It’s only 8.00 per person, kids 12 and younger 4.00. Cash, check, or credit card ok

Plan to stay for the announcements and the meeting afterward; the latest news and nominations for the election of officers and directors.

All members with dues paid by January 31, please come and VOTE!

• Kudos to Operation Hammer Strike for eradicating 107 illegal marijuana greenhouses in Week 24 of their operation.

Stealing electricity at one location started a house fire – very dangerous. They also steal water the desert can’t afford to waste; growing pot takes an enormous amount of water.

Help out Hammer Strike!  To report an illegal grow, contact the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Gangs/Narcotics Division at (909) 387-8400 or email NARC-MET@sbcsd.org. Callers wishing to remain anonymous may call the We-tip Hotline at 1-800-782-7463, or go to the We-Tip Hotline at wetip.com.

• Surprise! While watching a video posted on the Siskiyou Daily News online, the first people we saw interviewed were Oney and Donna Carrell!

The son-in-law and daughter of former Johnson Valley neighbor and JVIA Board member, Ed Warren, were standing by the house the three of them fled during the horrible Camp Fire that destroyed most of the homes in Paradise, CA.

The news story reports that California is implementing a three-pronged approach dubbed “Safer from Wildfires” to reduce the wildfire risk of older homes, including measures to harden homes, their immediate surroundings, and the communities they are in.

The Carrells and other Paradise homeowners whose houses survived, though surrounded by ruins of neighbors’ homes, had opinions as to why. Oney said they built better than state standards because they wanted a house that would last.


The video opens with a grim view of the Carrell home right after the fire. Drone camera footage shows the devastation.


The article goes into depth about strategies for improving standards, reducing wildfire risks, and solving insurance problems.

It can be found online at

(Hope you can copy-and-paste that to search, but it’s worth typing it all in if you can’t).

• We know some folks won’t notice or care, but you may receive a Mar-Apr issue of the Johnson Valley Journal printed on (gasp!) white paper. Part of the identity of the Journal for many years has been that light tan paper stock, but we hear from Valley Independent Printing they did not have enough on hand, and their faithful long-time supplier Kelly Paper said they do not know when or if that paper will be available.


Sounds all too familiar to those of us who often order items online.


So part of this month’s run will be on white paper. 🙁



• To new readers of the JV NEWS who have not visited the Johnson Valley Community Center:

The mailing address is
50567A Quailbush Rd.

From Hwy 247, turn onto Larrea Rd, go 1-3/4 miles to Quailbush Rd. The building is on your left at the corner.

The Paul Van Hook Desert Dreams Garden is next to the parking lot, open to all. (Please help keep kids and dogs out of the garden railway layout; it’s easily damaged, and the trains won’t run with dirt on the tracks.🚂 )


Can’t remember if I sent this out before, but it’s worthy of a second chuckle.

Keep smilin’



Betty Munson

By Betty Munson

Betty Munson c/o Ship-It-Shop 51720 Hacienda Rd. Johnson Valley CA 92285

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