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• The excellent news for Oktoberfest (this Saturday, October 15th), the garden railway may be running –
keep your fingers crossed for no rain and no wind! 🚂🤞

The long-range forecast talks about late monsoon action. But, we know how it goes out here on these forecasts: “Oh, look it’s raining in Landers,” or, “Oh, look, it’s raining on the Marine Base.”

Circumstances beyond their control have kept the Paul Van Hook Desert Dreams Garden crew out of action until this month. However, very few repairs or adjustments have been needed to get the G-scale trains rolling again. (Heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped keep kids and dogs out of the train layout.)

If you haven’t been here before, the Garden is right next to the parking area at the Community Center. Founded in the summer of 2015, the now-mature drought-tolerant trees and shrubs harbor an intriguing collection of vintage tractors, tools, and other homesteader relics donated by the community. The original Old Woman Springs Road runs through it, preserved by the Garden.
Oktoberfest visitors like to find a table or seats in the Garden; some bring their own seating.

Even if we do get some rain or wind and the trains can’t run, the 12th Annual Johnson Valley Oktoberfest will have plenty of seating out of the weather. As of this writing, some tickets are still available to buy online by secure credit card at www.johnsonvalley.com.

Admission is 12.00 per person and includes your German Buffet Dinner.

The fun begins at 3:00 p.m. Come inside the Community Center through the east door near the mailboxes – get your wristbands and drink tickets at the cashier station inside the door. Souvenir Oktoberfest pub glasses (5.00) and T-Shirts (20.00) can be had inside the Center.

Then go outside through the lobby door to the Beer Garden for your choice of five craft beers and a hard cider on tap – this year you find it outside the front door under the shade pergola.

Brew Menu:

Craft beers and hard cider, 12 oz, 4.00,

(Get a full 16-oz pour in the Oktoberfest pub glass for the same price)

Can’t make up your mind what to order? Try the Sampler of three brews, 5.00.
Canned domestic beer, 4.00.
Soft drinks and bottled water, each 1.00.
(Please, no outside beer or alcohol.)
Settle down to enjoy your brews and FREE pretzel bites fresh from the oven (while quantities last) at a table out front or inside the hall, in the back patio beer garden, or in the Paul Van Hook Desert Dreams Garden.

Between 6:00 and 7:00 p.m., take your choices from the Dinner Buffet of delicious German dishes: grilled brats, sauerkraut, roasted Brussels Sprouts, and German potatoes. Then take your choice from the Dessert Bar!

A raffle ticket (guaranteed chance to win😉) could score your choice of many items and gift cards donated by our esteemed merchant sponsors in Yucca Valley and Lucerne Valley, plus gifts and one-of-a-kind handmade crafts contributed by JVIA members!

• Our friend and JVIA member Dixie Coutant plans to take photos for the Journal at Oktoberfest, and if you snap some good ones of the crowd or your group, we would love to see them. Please e-mail to me at ranchotaj@gmail.comWe usually want at least two pages of photos of the event ASAP; we won’t have much time after before the Journal gets set up!

• Sign up now during the 2023 Johnson Valley Improvement Association Early Membership Campaign! Pick up your membership application in the Community Center. If you were on the Journal mailing list, your Membership Application should have arrived in your mailbox by now.

We repeat: everyone is welcome to every event at the Center, JVIA membership is not required.

But this is your opportunity to order a subscription to the Johnson Valley Journal to be mailed to you, as well as the JV NEWS e-mail.

Dues are still only 15.00 per person; you are eligible to vote on Association projects and hold office if you get your dues in by January 31, 2023, and live or own property within Johnson Valley borders. Our membership committee volunteers thank you for the early sign-up, so the paperwork won’t all be coming in during the holidays.

This JV NEWS e-mails every week or two and brings the news in a more timely manner than the Johnson Valley Journal published every two months.

The news items expand and add to items published in the neighborhood column in the Hi-Desert Star. Other notices of particular interest to Johnson Valley residents and property owners also circulate to this list.

If you do not wish to receive this information, just reply and tell me to remove your name.

The mailing address is:

50567A Quailbush Rd.
Johnson Valley CA 92285

Directions to the Community Center:

From Hwy 247, between mile markers 21 and 22, turn onto Larrea Road and go 1-3/4 miles to Quailbush Rd.
The Community Center is on your left at the corner.

The Paul Van Hook Desert Dreams Garden is next to the parking lot, open to all.
No charge; just keep the dog on the leash and kids out of the train layouts – THANKS!




  1. Law of Mechanical Repair – After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch, and you’ll have to pee.


  1. Law of Gravity – Any tool, nut, bolt, or screw, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner.

    3. Law of Probability – The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act.

    4. Law of Random Numbers – If you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal and someone always answers.

    5. Supermarket Law – As soon as you get in the smallest line, the cashier will have to call for help.

    6. Variation Law – If you change lines (or traffic lanes), the one you were in will always move faster than the one you are in now.

    7. Law of the Bath – When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone rings.

    8. Law of Close Encounters – The probability of meeting someone you know increases dramatically when you are with someone you don’t want to be seen with.

    9. Law of the Result – When you try to prove to someone that a machine won’t work, it will.

    10. Law of Biomechanics -The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.


. . . .that’s not all, folks, Murphy has more next time


Keep smilin’



By Betty Munson

Betty Munson c/o Ship-It-Shop 51720 Hacienda Rd. Johnson Valley CA 92285

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