• Saturday Breakfast Call-in correction: last week the phone number was wrong.
To order to-go, or call in a pre-order,
dial 760-792-4555 (if busy, please call back).
Breakfast hours 7:00-10:00 a.m.
Cash, check, or credit card accepted.
• A summertime favorite! Save the date for the JV Winner Chicken Dinner on Saturday evening, August 6th.
Reminder, while we enjoy longer daylight hours, the Community Center doors open at 5:30 p.m., and dinner starts at 6:00 p.m.
Dinner is 10.00 per person; kids under 10 years of age, chicken tenders, 5.00
Everyone is welcome, you do not have to be a JVIA member to attend any dinner, meeting, or event at the Johnson Valley Community Center!
• History buff? When you are here in the Community Center, take a look at the book Heart Bar Ranch and Johnson Valley Neighbors.
This prime historical source, written and published in the 1980s by early JV homesteader Martha Coutant, has been re-published by the Morongo Basin Historical Society, with permission and help from Stan Coutant, Martha’s son. MBHS also added more vintage photos from their collections.
Heart Bar cowhands gave Martha first-hand accounts of cattle-ranching at Old Woman Springs. They will give you a whole new perspective when you look at the wild scenery along Old Woman Springs Road (the prehistoric trail now the route of Hwy 247.)
Check named wells still surviving on AAA maps, a legacy of Heart Bar, not always accessible today, but not yet forgotten.
This large-format book is only 20.00 (discounted for us by the MBHS as a JVIA fundraiser).
• At last Monday’s meeting of the Homestead Valley Community Council, Captain Lucas Niles gave us his last report, and announced that he will retire on July 28 after serving 20 years with the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department.
Niles, who has been a regular at HVCC meetings answering questions and addressing our issues, will be missed.
You may have seen the photo in the Hi-Desert Star – HVCC member from Landers, Roxanna Shamay, arranged a custom wooden plaque to present to him, with engraved desert images, SB County Sheriff badge, and the words “Lucas Niles – Always Homestead Valley’s Captain.”
HVCC president Jim Harvey later sent a message to the Council:
“Never forget, Capt. Niles chose the HVCC meeting for his first public announcement of his retirement. He wanted his first official announcement to be with us. That was an unmistakable final nod of gratitude and special appreciation. I can tell you from our conversations he admired and appreciated all of you. We will miss him for sure.”
See the story and photo in the Hi-Desert Star:
• Target shooters alert: assuming you are heading northward to beat some of our summer heat, under fire prevention orders now in place, the Bureau of Land Management allows target shooting only from a half-hour before sunrise to noon daily, on northwest California public lands in Shasta, Siskiyou, Butte, Tehama, Trinity, Humboldt, and Del Norte counties.
Additionally, shooters must follow these safety regulations:
NO incendiary, tracer, steel core or armor-piercing ammunition.
NO exploding targets or any other target, including steel, that could emit sparks.
YES Shooters must always have a shovel or fire extinguisher on hand.
YES Place targets on dirt or gravel, away from flammable vegetation or rocks that could cause sparks.
The BLM noted, that you should know before you go:
Day-to-day forecasts of weather conditions.
Avoid shooting during hot and windy weather.
Avoid shooting when red flag warnings and fire weather watches are in place.
You can find details on fire restrictions, including target shooting rules and interactive maps, at
or contact the Redding Field Office at 530-224-2100.
Many wildfires are found to be human-caused, so be extra-cautious. Let’s not have one blamed on target shooting!
• Speaking of hot weather: we see a forecast that our thermometer will drop out of the three-digit level starting this Sunday. Partly cloudy conditions are supposed to prevail with teensy chances of rain (probably in the view from Johnson Valley, rarely raindrops fallin’ on our heads.)
Remember, don’t let yourself get dehydrated, stay cooler indoors in the hottest part of the day, and cross your fingers that our “green energy” doesn’t cause those dreaded blackouts. Be prepared!
The mailing address is:
50567A Quailbush Rd.
Johnson Valley CA 92285
Directions to the Community Center:
From Hwy 247, turn onto Larrea Road, go 1-3/4 miles to Quailbush Rd.
The Community Center is on your left at the corner.
The Paul Van Hook Desert Dreams Garden is next to the parking lot, open to all.
No charge; just keep the dog on the leash and kids out of the train layouts – THANKS!
Betty Munson
c/o Ship-It-Shop
51720 Hacienda Rd.
Johnson Valley CA 92285