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In partnership with the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department will have multiple drop-off locations available on National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. These collection sites will be open on Saturday, October 29, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. The service is free and anonymous. No questions will be asked, and no appointment is necessary.

  • Barstow Sheriff’s Station
    225 E. Mountain View Street
  • Sheriff’s Central Station-Loma Linda, Grand Terrace
    655 E. Third Street, San Bernardino
  • Highland Police Department
    26985 E. Baseline, Highland
  • Morongo Basin Sheriff’s Station
    63665 Twentynine Palms Highway, Joshua Tree
  • Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Station
    26010 Highway 189, Twin Peaks

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is an effort to rid homes of potentially dangerous, expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs. Medicines that languish in homes are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse, and abuse.

For more information about the safe disposal of prescription drugs, please visit the DEA’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day website.

By Sheriff's Public Affairs

Sheriff's Public Affairs Station: Morongo Basin Sheriff’s Station Phone No. 760-366-4175

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